We decided that we would model the buildings in Autodesk Maya this was because it was the best way to gain the effect we wanted being ambient occlusion. so we would render the model buildings in Autodesk Maya with this efect and any think additional would be added in Photoshop.
The visual style and idea came from the
combination of the Sonic Generations game trailer and ITV’s England Ident. these were both really helpful when coming up with the style. In contrast to what it was used for in the ITV England ident where it was used to emphasise the English identity. We would be using not only to emphasise but highlight the wasting areas within Digbeth. we also added a red cracks which linked all the wasted areas together.
once the man pulled the lever we wanted color to fade into the backgrounds like so in the sonic trailer.
We also decided that the best way to animate the man would be in flash and we would composite all together in after effects.
Who's your favorite Sonic?
This is the animatic for the project.
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